Goodbye, 2020

2020 brought death and new life. It brought grief and celebrations. It brought loss of jobs and new opportunities. It brought moments we never want to forget and moments we never want to remember. For some, it brought a deeper reliance on God, for others, it caused the question, “Is there even a God?” to be asked.

It brought a deeper appreciation for teachers, and stay at home parents. It brought isolation and it brought new skills. It showed us the importance of a hug and smile. It brought just as much emotional and mental pain as it did physical. It brought more division than I’ve ever seen, while at the same time, a showing of compassion and unity that was truly beautiful. It brought fear, but also courage. It brought difficult conversations that needed to be had and simple exchanges that made the whole day seem just a little bit better. It showed us where our priorities have lied and reminded us of what truly matters in this life. It brought dark moments that left us wondering if there would ever be a light at the end of the tunnel, and it brought moments where we were reminded that light shines in even the darkest of places.

It brought confusion and chaos, it brought wisdom and peace. It brought immense joy and deep sorrow. 2020, was truly a year that won’t be forgotten, but a year nonetheless. Another year filled with memories and lessons learned. Another year that will be recorded in history. Another year that we lived.

So remember the happy moments, reflect on the victories from the last 365 days, the celebrations, the moments you’re grateful to have had — but acknowledge the bad days too, you don’t have to forget the pain and sorrow you’ve experienced, it’s healthy to reflect on the grief as well, whether that’s grief from losing a loved one, grief from missing out on moments you had dreamed of, or grief from unmet expectations you had for 2020.

Days keep going, years will continue to pass, and every day will be filled with great moments, but they will not be without the bad ones, too. We can rest assured though, that no matter how deep the hurt we feel, how happy the celebrations make us, our true hope is not found in people or things here on this earth, but in God alone, the one constant that will forever remain. The One who makes all things new, the One who restores the broken, the One who redeems the lost, the Prince of Peace, the Great Physician, the Hope and Light of the world.

So here’s to welcoming a new year — here are to all the wonderful days that await and all the sorrows that will come our way. May we extend grace more than we’re given it and love as deeply as Jesus does. May we grieve when we need to grieve and celebrate when given something to celebrate.

2021, here is to you.
