Chicken Parmesan Casserole

We’ve been in a meal rut recently and decided to switch up our monthly meals. So we tried a couple new recipes this past week and this one will be sticking around!

I prepped it all at lunch time, stuck in in the fridge, then popped it in the oven at 4:30 and ta-da! Dinner was ready.

I found the original recipe over at, but changed a couple things up. I also used her homemade marinara sauce recipe, but changed it up just a bit, as well. I did everything the same, but added in a can of San Marzano Peeled tomatoes.

I had some left over hoagie buns from our dinner the night before, so I cut them in half, spread some butter, garlic power and mozzarella cheese on top, popped them in the oven for 5-7 minutes at 350 and served them with it.

chicken parmesan casserole
chicken parmesan casserole


  • 3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese

  • 1/3 cup shredded Parmesan cheese

  • 2 large boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • ¾ cup flour

  • 2 teaspoons seasoned salt

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 ½ cups Italian breadcrumbs

  • ¾ cup vegetable oil

  • 2 Tablespoons butter

  • Fresh Parsley, to garnish


  1. Heat oven to 375ºF.

  2. Boil water + cook the noodles.

  3. While the noodles are cooking, bread the chicken.

    • (Or cook if using breaded strips.)

  4. Once the noodles are cooked, drain and then add the *marinara sauce.

  5. Before breading the chicken, cut breasts in half if too thick.

  6. To bread the chicken, cover the breast in the flour, then the whisked eggs, then cover in bread crumbs.

  7. Heat 1/4 in.of oil in a pan.

  8. Once heated, set the chicken in + cook for roughly 4-5 min. per side.

  9. Once cooked, remove from pan, set on paper towel, then slice into strips.

  10. Add 1/2 of the noodle mixture into a casserole dish. Top with 1/2 of the chicken strips. Sprinkle 1.5 c. of Mozzarella + 1/3 of the parm. cheese. Repeat this layer of noodles, chicken, cheese once more.

  11. Bake for 25-30 min. uncovered

  12. Garnish with parsley + serve with garlic cheese bread.


*For chicken, you can buy frozen breaded strips to skip the breading process.

*If refrigerating, bake for 45 min. at 375.

*I made my own marina sauce, but store-bought works great, too.

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